Let's say a class has one massively complex method ( CC= 40), but also lots of very small methods ( such as the get/ set method pairs common in Java code). 假设一个类包含一个非常复杂的方法(CC=40),但是还有许多非常小的方法(比如Java代码中常见的get/set方法对)。
For example, if an operating system or application maintains information relevant to the failover server ( such as application state or operating system level information such as network connections), a more complex method is required. 例如,如果某个操作系统或应用程序要维护与故障恢复服务器相关的信息(比如应用程序状态,操作系统级信息如网络连接),则需要使用更加复杂的方法。
By far, the most complex method is evaluateParams(), with a complexity of43 ( and also the lion's share of lines of code). 到目前为止,最复杂的方法是evaluateParams(),其复杂度为43(也是代码行数最多的)。
They can also view complex methods via Sequence Diagrams so that they can quickly see what other methods, on what classes, are called from a complex method. 他们还可以通过序列图(SequenceDiagrams)观察复杂的方法,以便快速地查看到该复杂方法调用了什么类的其他什么方法。
Many consider a CCN of10 or more to indicate an overly complex method. 很多人认为当CCN为10或超过10时,就表明该方法过于复杂。
The cases of calculation have already demonstrated that the complex method is reliable, practical and efficient for calculation of the soil slope stability. 经算例验证复合形法是土坡稳定性可靠、高效的计算方法,具有实用意义。
Optimal design for blades of wind turbines based on complex method 基于复合形法的风力机桨叶优化设计
Which complex method is not enough commented? 哪些复杂的方法没有足够的注释?
The amelioration of application of complex method is described. 第2部分说明应用复形法的若干改进。
Slope Stability Analysis Based on Particle Swarms Complex Method and Improved Complex Method 基于粒子群和改进复合形法的边坡稳定分析
Application of Complex Method in Computer Simulation of Plasma Display Panel 复合形法在PDP计算机仿真中的应用
Drag-reduction property of composite structure surface with planar quasicrystal THE COMPLEX METHOD OF PLANE ELASTICITY IN TWO-DIMENSIONAL DECAGONAL QUASICRYSTAL AND ITS APPLICATION 人工构建二维准晶复合结构的减阻特性研究点群10十次对称二维准晶平面弹性的复变方法及应用
The paper brings up a complex method of evaluation and some new concepts like preemption priority anxiety, system of basic references, in order to overcome the limitation of peer review. 复合型学术评估法及优先权焦虑、基本参考文献制度等概念的提出和运用,可以克服同行评议法的缺陷。
Study on Optimization Design for Mechanical Characteristics of Relay Based on Complex Method 基于复形法的继电器机械特性优化设计方法的研究
Characteristics of Spinelle LiMn_2O_4 Prepared by Citric Acid Complex Method 柠檬酸络合法合成的尖晶石LiMn2O4特性研究
Application of parallel and hierarchical genetic algorithms and genetic complex method algorithm 分层并行遗传算法和遗传复合形算法及其应用
The complex method of plane elasticity in two-dimensional decagonal quasicrystal and its application 点群10十次对称二维准晶平面弹性的复变方法及应用
The complex method for the parameters estimation of reliability model 估计可靠性模型参数的复合形法
Non-initial Random Complex Method of Structure Optimization and Its Application 结构优化的无初始随机复形法及其应用
The use of the method in the paper shows that it can replace the conventional, too complex method of diagram or recurrence as a concise one of kinematic analysis and dynamic equation derivation for robots. 所提方法在文中的运用表明,它可以取代以往过于繁琐的图解法和递推法,成为一种简明有效的机器人运动分析和动力学建模方法。
A mathematic model of the optimization to take aim at the optimum dynamic balance has been built. The three-roller cold tube-rolling mill on the LDD-12 four-strands has been calculated using the direct-scouting Complex Method. 建立了以最佳动平衡为目标的优化教学模型,并用复合形法对LDD-12四线三辊冷轧管机进行了实算。
Aim at the problem, introduces the process to acquire optimization result of shovel mechanism base on complex method in optimization. 针对这一复杂的优化问题,介绍采用复合形法进行优化求解的过程,并给出程序设计的流程框图。
Build a unified product model with complex method 用复形方法建立统一的产品模型&关于下一代造型系统的研究
Complex Method for Multivariate Information and its Prediction Model in the Statistical Prediction of Minerals 矿产统计预报的多元信息复合方法及预测模型
Utilized Pro/ E project software, sets up the geometry model of the accurate shear equipment, had merged characteristic modeling, parameter modeling and direct modeling complex method. 利用Pro/E工程软件,建立精密剪切设备的几何模型,融合了特征建模、参数建模和直接建模的复合方法。
The Calculation of Earth Slope Stability by Using the Complex Method 用复合形法计算土坡稳定性
Through conver-sion of the model, the double layer combination of complex method and linear programming method is used to solve successfully the non-linear programming problem of the heat exchanger network analysis. 经模型转化,用复合形法与线性规划法的双层组合求解,成功地解决了换热网络分析中非线性规划的求解问题。
The feasible path sequential modular method was taken as the optimization strategy. The method of optimization is the Complex Method. 优化策略采用可行路径序贯模块法,优化方法为改进的复合形法。
The complex method is used to optimize the permanent-magnet torquer of a dynamically tuned gyro ( DTG) which is used in measuring angular displacement and angular velocity. The tracking rate of the DTG is effectively raised. 采用复形法对测量角位移及角速度用的挠性陀螺仪的永磁式力矩器进行了优化设计,有效地提高了该陀螺仪的跟踪速度。
The intensity layout of a articulated bus body skeleton is studied. Based on the results, a complex method of orthogonal calculation and alternant amelioration is introduced in analysis calculation. 对某18m低入口后置铰接式城市客车车身进行有限元分析获得车身强度分布情况,在此基础上,采用正交法和交互调整相结合的方法对车身骨架进行轻量化改进设计。